Student Support Services

At Alice Spring College Australia (ASCA), we are committed to providing comprehensive support services to ensure the success and well-being of our student community. We understand the unique needs and challenges faced by international students studying in Australia. That’s why we offer a range of support services designed to help you thrive academically, socially, and personally during your time with us.

Our Student Support Services Include:

Orientation Programs: Our orientation programs are designed to help you transition smoothly into college life, understand academic expectations, and familiarise yourself with campus facilities and resources.

Academic Support: From tutoring services to academic advising, we offer the support you need to excel in your studies. Our dedicated staff are here to assist you with understanding course materials, developing study skills, and achieving your academic goals.

Language and Literacy Support: a plan developed for students who are facing difficulties in meeting LLN requirements. This plan is implemented for student to achieve expected learning outcome. Support learning outcomes will be provided in the areas where students have been identified as facing difficulty. Support will be provided if a student’s exit level is less than the required level. Support plan for students will be developed on individual case by case basis. 

Support plan can be created in areas namely: 

  1. Learning
  2. Reading
  3. Numeracy
  4. Writing
  5. Oral Communication

If required, students can also be provided with support in Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation

Counseling Services: Your well-being is our priority. Our confidential counseling services provide support for personal, emotional, and mental health concerns and help you navigate challenges and thrive during your time at ASCA.

Accommodation Assistance: Finding the right accommodation is essential for your comfort and safety. We offer assistance and resources to help you secure suitable housing options, whether on-campus or off-campus.

Legal Services : Alice Springs College of Australia can refer a student who requires Legal services to Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission,  or Redfern Legal Centre’s International Student Legal Service NSW (free of cost usually) or to a legal practitioner, the referral is at no cost to the student. Student would be responsible for any cost related to the legal advice charged by legal practitioner. 

Health and Well-being Services: During orientation, students are advised regarding campus safety and how to access emergency and health services in Australia. For non-urgent services, students are encouraged to speak with student services. For medical or other emergencies, students are instructed to contact the appropriate services, e.g. 000 and inform Alice Springs College of Australia as soon as possible. 

24/7 Emergency Support- Your safety is our priority. We have a reliable emergency support system in place to assist you in case of medical emergencies, accidents, or unforeseen circumstances.


Disability Support: Australia has laws that protect individuals from discrimination in many areas of public life, including education. A person with a disability has just as much right to study as any other student.  ACSA will apply reasonable adjustments for student with disability. However, reasonable adjustment applied must not be detrimental for the student to achieve course outcomes.  

Social and Cultural Integration: Connect with fellow students and explore new cultures through our social and cultural activities. Join international student clubs, attend cultural events, and engage in community activities to enrich your experience at ASCA.

Employment Rights and Financial Support Services: ASCA is committed to ensuring that our international students have access to information regarding their employment rights, conditions, and avenues for resolving workplace issues. We provide resources and guidance on accessing services such as the Fair Work Ombudsman, where students can seek assistance with workplace-related matters, including wages, working conditions, and dispute resolution. Additionally, we offer information on financial support services available to students.

Student visa conditions: relating to course progress and or attendance as appropriate – Students are advised at orientation of their requirements to continue to meet their visa conditions. Students can seek help from Student support officer if they have any concerns regarding visa requirements and conditions. 

 Complaints and appeals processes: Complaints and appeals policy and procedures are available in detail on the website under policies and procedures and can be made available from reception and from ASCA’s website.   


At ASCA, we are dedicated to providing a supportive and inclusive environment where every student can thrive. Your success is our success, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Student Support Officer for assistance or information about our services.


Student Support Officer


Phone: +61423000063

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